Services Offered

Psychic readings

are the most popular service offered to clients who schedule appointments. They provide insight into life  issues: past, present and future. Dr. Johnson goes into a deep trance-consciousness state where he connects with the client on a higher spiritual plateau and gleans powerful information that provides clarity and guidance. During this process he is taking notes and each client leaves with four pages of information.  All that is required of the client is that they provide their full name and date of birth. Using crystal balls, numerology,  pendulums, astrology, and a reading of the aura, Dr. Johnson takes it from there. At the end of the session, he takes two questions from the client that he answers and, again, writes down his responses. Recording devices are not allowed since they seem to impede the process and inhibit the flow of information. Most clients refer to their notes often and use them as roadmaps to guide them on their spiritual-life journey. Many of Dr. Johnson's clients use his guidance to enhance and clarify the work they may be doing with a more traditional psychiatrist, psychologist, LCSW, or mental health counselor. 

Past life regressions

provide a window into past life experiences and often explain the recurring challenges that have to be faced in order to be free of the trauma and stress that often accompany unresolved conflicts. During a regression session, Dr. Johnson guides the client through a deep meditation process that unleashes repressed memories and encounters.  These sessions explore  previous spiritual iterations on the earth plane. Through these guided meditation processes, clients awaken thoughts that may reside in other  dimensions. 


is a process that places Dr. Johnson between the client and the person in their life who has crossed over.  Using photographs, writings, and psychometry (using jewelry and other items that were close to the physical body of the person who crossed over), Dr. Johnson makes a connection.  He gathers information that he derives in this process and once a strong connection has been established, he will connect you with the person who has crossed, allowing for communication. During this process, Dr. Johnson is taking notes, knowing that if clients did not have something "concrete" to refer to later, they would likely forget a lot of what is verbalized during the session.  This service has helped many through grief and pain, creating a pathway to those they love through spiritual revelations.  

Hypnosis, Breathwork, and Mindfulness

are tools used to assist those who seek to change behaviors that keep them from becoming completely whole and happy.  Generally, clients want to work on a weight-loss regiment, get rid of bad habits that keep repeating, or learn techniques to help reduce anxiety, stress or restlessness.  Dr. Johnson informs clients that they should seek 12-step programs or the services of inpatient or outpatient medical facilities  if they have issues with addiction, deep-seated trauma or other concerns that may require medication. He is clear that clients seek his services with the knowledge that we do not diagnose or treat conditions and acknowledging this disclaimer is a part of coming to Black Star Enterprises for services.

Practicing Mindfulness and Meditation 

on a daily basis requires discipline and focus. Dr. Johnson works with clients to assist them in designing a unique mindfulness and meditation practice tailored to their needs and goals.  He consults with clients to identify their needs and introduces them to different forms of relaxation and mindfulness to help them achieve their goals through their commitment to their practice.

Rites, Rituals, and Ceremonies

can be celebratory activities tailored to the needs of individuals or small groups. Many clients choose to honor a life change that someone is going through that will bring them joy. Others may seek unique ways to celebrate an anniversary or birthday. Regardless of the occasion, Dr. Johnson will lead the planning and offer expertise in creating rituals and ceremonies that will be long remembered.  As each individual and group is unique, so should the ritual or ceremony. There is a preference for working with small groups of ten or less rather than large ceremonial rituals with lots of people. 


Please call for service rates and details.
