Welcome and Introduction

Dr. Lloyd Sheldon Johnson 

is a seer-visionary-healer and intuitive-shaman-mystic who specializes in readings, regressions, hypnosis, and breath work. He is a counselor, certified hypnotherapist, teacher-guru, mindfulness coach,  and consciousness explorer. Johnson, also a writer-journalist, trained as a psychologist and studied English and psychology as an undergraduate in college. He continued his studies in graduate school, ending with the awarding of a doctorate. His years of teaching and consulting (K-16, public and private) earned him many awards and acknowledgements. 
Dr. Johnson, a Reiki Master,  trained under John Harvey Gray, and received shamanic wisdom through the Foundation for Shamanic Studies. His early work in esoteric dimensions was guided by his mentor, Maurice Rothman, through the New England Center for Psychic Science Research. He was trained in Body Electronics under Doug Morrison and studied Transcendental Meditation at its center located in Harvard Square. In addition to the many workshops Dr. Johnson has attended and led, he did the Lifespring training, studied the Silva Method, and committed to and completed the Dimensional Mind Approach protocols.  Dr. Johnson's visits to Kripalu for over three decades has afforded him a chance to concentrate on yoga, massage, and other modalities that contribute to enhancing his practice while giving him a focus on his personal self-care. 

Dr. Johnson is available for individual sessions, seminars, workshops and private parties.

History of Black Star Enterprises

Dr. Johnson has studied numerology, astrology, the Enneagram, divination and the mystical healing systems of Brazil, West Africa, Cuba, Haiti, Thailand, and other countries. His own personal journey of transformation has taken him throughout the United States and the Caribbean, Europe, Asia, and West Africa. After years of training and practice, Johnson opened his offices in Harvard Square over three decades ago after just a few years sharing office space with other New Age practitioners. Since that time, he has moved his offices to the Central Square area of Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Black Star Enterprises

offers services to clients at the Central Square location.  Location details are provided on this website. Appointments can be made and confirmations can be secured, knowing that client information and all appointment details are confidential. 

Channeled Messages

often come to those who are receivers. Receivers do not seek reasons for what they receive. They trust and follow the guidance. These messages can come as words channeled that are written down or messages heard in the head that must be recorded.  On some rare occasions, a receiver may experience a manifestation that appears through some other form or medium.  Dr. Johnson had information channeled through him in July, 2021. This is an excerpt.